Sunday, January 30, 2011

End of the Weekend

Not much went on today.  We cleaned up a bit, and I played with the candle/low light setting on my camera...

We ate some pizza for lunch...and then talked with Joe- a great friend of mine from high school.  We finally got him to create a WoW account.  Because the game is so huge, it was taking a long time to download, so he came over to the apartment and played on my laptop.  We of course all had to be in the same room so we crammed another PC into our computer room :)

After dinner and some WoW, we ate some ice cream whichi is always awesome
And now, it of course is time to watch an episode of Dexter before sleep.  Why do 3-day weekends always go so fast? :(  Back to work in the afternoon...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lazy Vacation Day

Today was lazy, yet productive.  We started the day off with some homemade waffles.  They didn't turn out amazing, but they still were pretty decent.  I will have to find a new recipe so we can try again :)

We got some decorations for Valentine's Day

                                                        Our front door is also festive :)
We then were getting ready to watch The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus and to have some yummy dinner.  Mike was scoping some things out on YouTube and Netflix

And yay!  Dinner is just about done :)

I like being home so I can actually cook something that doesn't involve the microwave.

Egg noodles, chicken, sun dried tomato alfredo sauce, and texas toast :)

Crazy Critters

Kelly and Mike live with some crazy critters.  Here are some photos that capture feeding time and play time.

Meet Troggy.  He is a bearded dragon, and he's chomping down on some "yummy" crickets. 

This is Spaz.  He is too quick to get pictures while he's playing.  Mike has to hold him so we can get a clear picture...if he doesn't, we get nothing but a brown blur :)

This of course is Mike, playing WoW...while Spaz runs around and hides under his desk so he can nibble his toes

                                 Kelly after having some cheesecake :) Getting ready for WoW time.

This is Whiteface.  Kelly and Mike's crazy bird who always knows the perfect time to speak.  He provides lots of comic releif!

Spazman enjoying his dinner.

Stay tuned!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Tucker's Snow Day :)

Today Mike and Kelly went to have play time with Tucker while Chase had to have a vet visit.

Since there was snow outside, we played ball :)

Tucker likes to play in the snow, and to play with his ball :)
After play time, Kelly, Mike, and Tucker took a car ride to Petsmart to pick up a few items.  Tucker enjoyed his car ride and tried to sit in the front of the car with Kelly and Mike.

Tucker and Kelly decided to play with the camera and take more pictures while Mike drove to Petsmart :)

           After Petsmart we came home and played outside in the snow again.  Tucker had a blast!

After we played more outside, I was ready to go in the warm!

After we were inside, Tucker and Mike decided to relax and watch the Mighty Ducks on TV until Chase got home :)

 Chase got home from the vet.  He has a bladder infection, but he was very happy to see Mike.

Sue came home and played with Tucker too!

All in all it was a good snowy day! :)